Thursday, October 06, 2011

My outlook on 36

So I turned 36...blah! Another birthday, another!

On the plus side I feel big changes coming.

I have some serious financial issues that have to get sorted...but i still feel its all recoverable.

I can visualize myself in another place being happy finally.

Of course that visualization takes me to the East Coast.  Very few people are thrilled about it and even less believe I will do it. My question is simply Why Not?

I am at the perfect point in my life where I can change careers.  My daughters & grand daughter, although I love them endlessly, really dont need me any more.  Once kid moved out and the other is just buying time to get on her feet.

I am no longer happy in Vegas, I'm just going through the motions of the day to day things.

I know what I want to do.  I want to get to the other side of the rope.  However I have no experience other than being a friend and a fan.  I dont have a degree, I dont have a pieve of paper that says I know something I will never use.  What I do have is ambition and drive and a passion.  I know I will make some unsuspecting person an amazing assistant.  I'm a control freak, i need things to be done my way, there is no other way. I have 12 years of telecommunications experience and a total of 6 years of management experience.

I need that one lucky break and I am good.

Good things are going to happen in the next 12 months, just wait and see!

I wasnt a Steve Jobs fan & I am sorry he passed.  However I did learn that one person can have a massive impact on large numbers of people. Sometimes you can have more and love and respect in your life than you can ever imagine or know. Thanx Steve for showing me that Dreams are possible, and then some.

On the plus side my Carolina Liar boys are hitting the road! These guys deserve all the success they can image! I get to see them in 15 days....WOOHOO!

Ok to bed now!

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