Sunday, July 17, 2011

Carolina Liar is BACK!!!

I sit here typing 37 hours after I left my house to go to LA to see Carolina Liar.  The drive down was pretty uneventful...well except for what the gummies were doing on the dashboard, but thats a different posting.
Speaking of Gummies, Melissa and I stopped at the Alien Jerky place to get some stuff for a friend and decided to get some Sugar Free Gummies for the ride....BIG MISTAKE!!! Unbeknownst to us those gummies have something in them that resembles a laxative and you are only supposed to eat a few at a time.  The rest of the night was event and painful!

Anyhow once we checked into our hotel and changed we drove over to the venue.  I think LA should have Carmeggedon evey weekend I am in town....traffic was great!  LOL there was barely any!!!

So from here is just a series of being in the right place a the right time. We entered the Curious George lot (thanx!) and almost parked really far away from the elevator.  However we opt'd to drive around some more and got primo parking right by the elevator.  I was telling Melissa that we should be able to walk down the stairs but we opt'd to stay and wait for the elevator.

The doors open and guess who walks out? The CL boys! That made the whole trip worth it!  We got hugs and we were just so happy to see them...we knew that the rest of the night was gonna be great :-)

We went down to check out the venue and then opt's to eat at Hard Rock. Lunch went well, the gummies were still attacking, and then we went to the fence.  The front was already full, but we hoped that some people would leave after the first band.

OK the first band was so NOT my type of live music.  I'm sure that all the people that were their for them really enjoyed it, but um yeah...we didn' let's fast forward to the guys.

There was some technical difficulties and the guys got a late start, but they were amazing! I missed seeing them do what they love, and I love what they do.  I'm so excited for the new songs! Drown live was all I thought it would be. Chad can work a crowd and get them going no matter if you love CL or have no clue who they are.  That's the one thing I remember about when i first saw them a few years ago.  Anyone that can get a crowd on their feet like him deserves to be on a stage.

I know they had a curfew, but they rocked as many songs as they could in the time they had and they had fun.  Hell we had fun!

Got to spend some time with the guys after the show...they have a lot of stuff planned and I plan to follow them every step of the way.  If you have read through this whole posting and still have no clue who I am talking about you need to go to the Carolina Liar web site and sign up.  Listen to the guys music and enjoy the musical ride!

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