Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Things are starting to move fast!

Everything happens for a reason right?  In my case some issue with my apartment have lead to some great NY developments!

My last child is moving out at the end of the month.  This means I no longer need my 2 bedroom apt!  So since I'm having a money dispute with my apt I have opt'd to break my lease (because its built into my lease that I can) pay the penalties and move in with the 'rents for a few months.  By my time line i will only be in Vegas for max 5 months anyhow.  Living with them will cut my expenses by over half!

So the new timeline....

Jan, start selling everything I can! Everything must go.  Really go through my stuff and get rid of the crap.  Move in with the 'rents in Feb.  Leave for NY in april.  Back the end of May or June.  Going away party in July or August and then an East Coast resident by Summers end!

I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time, this is really happening!  Gotta really start looking for work and a place to live, cause thats important :-)


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