Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like moving

So today I started to tackle to process of clearing up my life.  Two words....PACK RAT! Holly hell I have a lot of crap that I have yet to see in years.  Biggest find, all my blank checks I thought I had used, now I don't have to order more!

I went back and read my 10 boxes post and I will admit its just not logical.  I already have 2 boxes going!  Each box will contain specific items and if I cant get them in that box then they don't go.  I am being real selective about what can and can't go.  I'm thinking that renting a car and trailer may not be a bad idea.  I think everything will fit in a small trailer since I am not taking any furniture.

I sent my lovely friend viv and email with dates and info and she has offered to help me out in finding a place for the long term and the short term.  Thank goodness cause i have no idea where anything is.

I am going to talk tot he apt on Sunday and let them know I am leaving and work out a plan to get all my penalties taken care of.

Then I will be moving in with the rents in Feb and the process of saving money begins.  Feb will be a difficult month because I will be paying double rent, but once March comes around the saving will begin and life becomes a bit easier.

I'm going to start selling and donating items.  The money from that will go toward winter clothes, LOL because i am ill prepared!

I'm going to ask as a going away gift my friends get me gift cards, LOL because all i ma taking furniture wise is an air mattress.

Guess what! This is the most exciting nerve racking time in my life.  A new chapter is beginning and I can not wait to start reading.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

An Emotional Night

Today started out OK, I was running late for work, so the normal.

However the problem I have been having lately is that my entire body hurts from being tired.  No matter how early I get to bed or how much I sleep my body is still tired.  A part of me was worried.

I had my office Christmas party today, but to keep this a happy post I won't even talk about it.

So after that I was really in a bad mood and didn't want to go out.  However it was gonna be girls night.  So we went to see Mission Impossible, again for me and Jen. Yup still love it!

After that we ended up at Numb, where things just go down hill.

Now Numb has brought me some great friends. However it does not have a good record for men. Jay was there and he left under, well we still don't know the circumstances.  Jaime just didn't wake up one day and now Ray is moving his family back to CA.  I understand his reasoning's and its gonna be good for his family.  However due to his home situation I know that I will most likely never see or here from him again. It sucks when you have been friends, even just social, with someone for over a year and then they are gone with a few hours notice. In the same few hour time frame I got notice that another friend got a great job and although still living in Vegas he too will be "gone". Compound that with Justin leaving and I'm a wreck!

Anyhow while at the Peppermill I started to talk it out with Adam.  I was telling him about the sleep issues and I think its all my emotions fighting against each other. Basically I'm having a LOT of anxiety about the move, fear of failing, excitement and lastly depression over leaving my most favorite little person in the world. I am so excited at the prospect of living on the East Coast, I am not changing my mind at all I know the East is where I want to be. I just have to come to terms with all the emotions. Turn the negative energy into the positive that is going to change my life and my future forever.

So its time to start packing...get rid of the clutter and start this journey with a fresh outlook...I'm literally diving into the emotional pool that is my life...I'll let you know when I surface.  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Things are starting to move fast!

Everything happens for a reason right?  In my case some issue with my apartment have lead to some great NY developments!

My last child is moving out at the end of the month.  This means I no longer need my 2 bedroom apt!  So since I'm having a money dispute with my apt I have opt'd to break my lease (because its built into my lease that I can) pay the penalties and move in with the 'rents for a few months.  By my time line i will only be in Vegas for max 5 months anyhow.  Living with them will cut my expenses by over half!

So the new timeline....

Jan, start selling everything I can! Everything must go.  Really go through my stuff and get rid of the crap.  Move in with the 'rents in Feb.  Leave for NY in april.  Back the end of May or June.  Going away party in July or August and then an East Coast resident by Summers end!

I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time, this is really happening!  Gotta really start looking for work and a place to live, cause thats important :-)


Sunday, December 04, 2011

Holiday Fun

So life is moving forward, just at the slowest speed possible! Can it just be April already!!!

So what's been happening with me lately?

Work is work! I am ending out our A&R year which means I need to harass my teammates to get their stuff done by Friday.  Along with that I'm planning an onsite party with Hawaiian food (I don't eat Hawaiian Food!) & closing out my own budget.  I have 4 months of reports to catch up on and on NO TIME to do it....Yeah work is work.

The fun stuff is that if all goes as planned i will be on a plane to NY/NJ on 4/9/12!!  I am still set on the 2 months but depending on budget I might have to cut that by a few weeks, we shall see.

I'm trying to get into a project management program at work to make my resume that much better.

Now for the trouble I am been getting into!

We went to Chicago for the final Carolina Liar show w/David Cook before the baby was due and wouldn't you know it, Chad's little one couldn't wait.  About 3 hours before the show we got the announcement that the guys would not be performing.  Normally i would be bummed, but the baby was here, how amazing for Leah & Chad! So the girls and I drove around Chicago.  LOL but of course I'm like a 3y old and fell asleep in the car!

Abby came to visit! I missed her, now that we are on the same time zone 4 driving hours away we never see or talk to each other!!  However we redid Thanksgiving since last year she was so sick.  LMAO boy did we!

We hung out at Thanksgiving with family and friends.  Friday I worked for a little while and then we made the rounds.  We went to Goss with Adam & got hammered!  Lucky Abby had the hindsight to say we needed a room for the night so we cabbed it! Then we proceeded to Numb to drink some more!  The night was going great until I somehow dropped my entire purse in the toilet!  LMAO the only thing to survive was the combos!  I am down a captivate, 2 cameras & Abby's phone! Not one of my finer days and I still have no idea how the hell it even happened.  Totally put a damper on the night though.  Needless to say there was no recovering it.  Prior to leaving back to CA though we did get her a replacement phone at one of those used phone places.

Saturday once we were a bit more sober we went to the Beach Club (Aka Cafe Nikki) and had a nice peaceful lunch where Abby proceeded to try and tan.  LOL she is addicted tot he sun :-)  Prior to leaving Nick had arrived so we hung out at the bar for a bit.  Jay eventually showed up so we got to say hello.  We decided that we would come back later and go hand at the club with Nick.

Prior to getting home and changing we went to my cousins house for some family time.  I hadn't seen my cousin Danny in years so it was pretty cool to see him and just hang out with my cousins.

Anyhow we got back and changes and headed back to Tropicana. OK things start getting fuzzy again.  LOL we drank at the bar, had an incident with my kid needing money for a cab, then we went to the club, the bartender was amazing, there was dancing, drinking, and finally being driven home by a very upset friend.  Holy heck we had fun! So much so that Abby is coming back this weekend!

LOL so after all that rambling you have read its obvious nothing interesting is going on.  Life is moving at a snails pace.  My anxiety is kicked into high gear with each passing day, but one day I hope to look back on these moments and think, wow all those blogs were a pretense to the best time of my life!