Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Angry Birds!

Ok whoever came up with this stupid game Angry Birds was an amazing psychopath! It's 210a and I have been playing that stupid game all day!!! I have yelled at it, had one of my employees/friends help me pass levels and I'm tired damn it!  yet I still play the Angry Birds!

Today was uneventful...my daughters didn't kill each other over the TV, which I have to say I was kinda worried about!  Alex is ALMOST done with Season 3 of Roswell, thank goodness! I really want to read the final 3 or 4 books, after the show ended, but I refuse to pay over $200 for a book!

Plan are in full swing for New years in Oklahoma....blah blah blah!

Got a tweet from Chad today from Carolina Liar...I really hope they tour again with Rob and the Matchsticks....could you imagine what an amazing line up that would be!  Paul, Matt & the CL boys!

Alyssa is spending the night at my moms so i get to sleep in a bit in the AM...yippee!!!

I wonder how many followers I can get on twitter with trying...LOL makes no sense, but then again I'm blogging and basically talking to myself so who cares!

Alright back to my Frontier, I have crops to harvest :-)

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