Saturday, March 22, 2008

Exiling on Mainstream....Day 4

OMG! I fucking hate snow!! Ok well I hate drivng in it.

Abby and I woke up and found out that we were going to need chains to get the hell out of Reno. So we packed and headed out on a chains trasuer hunt. You would think the Wal-mart in a city that snows would have them, but nope! However K-Mart did have them.

I have to say that for my first time actually driving in snow I did OK. It was scary as hell thats for sure, but when are driving 10 miles per hour it makes things easier. It was an amazing drive and Abby took some great pictures. Yeah I am still working on posting those.

Over all the 9 hour drive home was pretty peaceful. We went through all kinds of crazy weather! Rain, sleet, hail, snow, ice, slush, dust oh and a hell of a lot of wind!

Once we get through all that, we hit the noirmal LA traffic, it was great.

I will NEVER drive to Reno again, a flight would have been less stressful!!!

Oh well, when I got to Sandra's I had a PB&J waiting for me....lifes good!

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