Monday, July 07, 2008

Me and the WSOP...days 1 and 2

(excuse the spelling errors, I am really tired)

First I have to say thank you to Ausbrooks for introducing me to the game of NL Hold'em. However this entire story and the ones to follow are because of Steve and Cheryl, without them I would not even know what was going on in my new city.

Day 1

So I moved to Vegas on 6/30 for work, but enough about that. Steve, Cheryl and I had planned to meet on their way thru from NM to Sac. Before they arrive I was asked if I had been to the Rio, um no, for Poker, bigger no! LOL I never go into the Poker rooms.

DUH the Fricken WSOP has been there since may and I have been sitting around at home doing not a damn thing and they were just 15 miles away!!! (moving on)

So after reviewing our options for dinner the best placed seemed to be were the poker signs were pointing. Smart move!

While standing in line we saw Scotty Nguyen. Steve and I were able to get pictures with him. Dinner went by in a flurry of bit, chew, follow the crowd, check the crowd, "is that?" , no its not, oh yeah swallow. Lucky for us we were sitting right on the aisle by the walk way.

While we waited we saw tons of people and more I am sure we should have recognized, but they were moving pretty damn fast. We did see Helmuth, tried to talk to him, yes he is an ass! In my business fans, whether they are for or against you are still fans and you should acknowledge that. Enough about him.

We all (Steve, Cheryl, Maria and I) registered to win a seat in the Europe WSOP I believe. There was a mini cooper full of poker chips...we took a good guess so we will see.

By registering we were able to go into one of the lounges and they have this new heads up poker machine that is pretty cool. While playing Cheryl came to get Steve and I to let us know Daniel Negreanu was right outside. We missed the signing but got some "I MET" shirts.

Finally we entered the tournament rooms. First stop was a satellite room. Pretty cool, but we didn't stay long. Then we entered the NL Tournament room. If you love Poker you understand, if you don't, well you don't. For me it was like front row at a MB concert, amazing!

We saw Joe Hachem playing at one of the feature tables. At the ESPN feature table Mike Matusow. However my two favorite players are Carlos Mortensen and John (Steve was right) D'Agostino.

In our last lap around the room before leaving we debated for a long time on if we were seeing Carlos or not. Finally someone was nice enough to tell us it was him, but in fact it was John. So I got to see one of my favorites. One down one to go!

Day 2

I woke up early, yup me, to get to the Rio. I got there about 1:30, there was no way I was making noon. Anyhow we couldn't get in right away so I went wandering around the gaming expo. Well Joe Hachem was signing and taking pictures. I didn't have anything for him to sign, but he was so nice in taking a pic with me. (You will read me saying nothing but nice things about ALL of them so settle in).

Being by myself I has to ask lots of people to take pics, and I hate pictures, but this was so worth it!

So I wandered some more and the ever popular and such an amazingly outgoing personality Scotty Nguyen was signing autographs. Since he is my moms favorite I had him sign the pics he was giving out to her, she can't wait to see it.

Take 1

Take 2

While on my great wandering I saw Greg "Fossilman" Raymer and snapped a few candids.

Eventually Chris Moneymaker was signing where I had previously saw Greg. However he had complete lost his voice. On a notepad he had written that he lost his voice, but was still in the tournament. Hopefully he will have recovered by tomorrow or Wednesday.

OK into the Poker room! Absolutely crazy in there! I made my way to the back hoping for a glance at John, because obviously I had my camera today. Nope, however I realized I was standing within 5 feet of Doyle Brunson. His back was to me so I only have this side shot, but still!

Way over in the back was Jennifer Tilly, but again its a shot of the back of her head. That's here with the red hair and the hat.

I finally made my way over to the ESPN feature table, where Helmuth was playing. Hmm, no pics of that.

I went to the other feature table and was about 10-15 feet from Phil Ivey!

I was able to make my way towards the front where I met and spoke to the nicest lady. I don't know there names but you always see them when you see Phil. I was able to get a couple decent shots before he was eliminated. I really like Phil so it sucked to see him go. He caught a bad beat and never recovered :-(

I ended up making my home by Jean-Robert. If you watched Survivor you know who he is. However it was the most entertaining table! Jean Robert was half sleep, but still managing to do some damage. Let's just say if the man ever ask you for coffee its 5 creams, 7 sugars and don't you dare try to change it for sweet and low! So I spent the rest of the sessions at their table and had an amazing time watching the game and hearing the players, well be players.

That's him on the right in the hat and smiling, LOL!

He was playing against the Iceman Teddy Monroe. I will admit to be unaware of who he was in the beginning, but by the end of the night I had done some homework. Such a nice guy. "Bobby" as Iceman kept calling Jean Robert kept talking about how he went to China and came back to find iceman was famous. LOL I had actually went over to watch him play, but because a fan of the Iceman while there.

When the dinner break came I thought I might be able to get some food. WHATEVER! However I did make it back to see Daniel again and finally get a picture.

While waiting to go in I FINALLY saw Carlos Mortensen. Actually he walked right in front of me, looked straight at me and I froze, or had a famous Paul moment. However I was able to snap out of it enough to walks briskly after him and ask for his autograph and a picture. I did apologize for disturbing him, but he was really great about it and I DIDN'T fall down!

The Prized Photo....

I stuck around way longer than I should have and spent the night listening to Iceman and Jean Robert go at each other and the guy from London, who name I am completely forgetting (SORRY), sit in what he called Hell for hours. Whenever someone new came to the table he told them they had no clue what they were in for and they should just run now. LMAO and don't even try and complain because he had "been there for 10 hours and you were only there for a minute" so he felt no sympathy for you what so ever! OMG it was hilarious.

All in all I had a great time. I got in at 1:30 in the morning and attempted work, now I am going to sleep at almost 9pm so that I can make it for the after dinner sessions tomorrow night.

Even though I never got to talk to John Robert, Iceman was nice enough to take a pic with me during the last break. Keep an eye on him, he is a really good player.

Guess I need to start playing online again. BTW, vacation next year is in Vegas...WSOP anyone?

Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Exiling on Mainstream....Day 6

OK as you can see from the date there is a big gap here, but still I remember!

When Abby and I became alive again we knew we had to get her ready to leave and I had to repack for the last three days.

I mentioned to Abby that she should go to the show, after all it is the LAST show. She called the airline and attempted the change, but it was gonna be $400! Needless to say she was getting on the plane.

The amazing Mel got to my apartment and we left to switch the rental car for one that worked. We took Abby to the airport and it wasn't as emotional as the last time, but as always I will miss her loads!

Mel and I took the drive to Vegas and it was so cool to get to talk to her. It was the first time we really got to get to know each other. We talked about life and music, two really good topics.

We arrived in Vegas and stood in the non moving line to get a different room than I was promised, but overall it was comfy.

We rent to Roxy's for dinner and tried our hand at the slot machines.

Piece of advice, never get drinks from a pregnant waitress. I think she wanted her customers to enjoy the alcohol she couldn't because she was pregnant. If you have been to a casino you know they give you those itty-bitty drinks that are all ice, not liquor. OMG! I was drunk off of TWO! I had tequila with a margarita flavoring. LMAO I literally stumbled to the room, much to Mel's amusement.

Knowing it was gonna be an early day for us and we still wanted to switch our room we turned in early, because we planned to be at the venue by 6am.

Yeah we were nuts!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Exiling on Mainstream....Day 5

OK so this is taking me forever to finish! (LMAO its months later now)

OK Day 5, here we go.

Abby and I slept, but I had to go see Alex dad, which took most of the day.

I get back to Saundge's house and get ready for the show. So Abby and i finished up, packed up and headed to Staples. day.

Did I mention my friend and ex boyfriend was going to the show. He told me that morning. Whats funny is we had row 17 and he had row 18, what are the chances its the same section? Hmm.

Anyhow at this point we are really broke, so we go to the ATM hoping it will not eat our cards. Low and behold the damn thing gave us money! Now we can park. Can you here the overdraft fees adding up? I can!

Anyhow we parking shopped, went from $20 all the way to $7 where we ended up. LMAO in some alley somewhere, great.

Anyhow we arrive and hang out outside for a while. Saw Paul and Matilda, got a wave and a smile :-) We hung out for a while and decided to go inside.

We found our seat, yeah we were there to hear the band, not actually see them. Row 17 on the floor is like row 17 on the top!

So guess what? I happen to glance at the end of the row and who do I see entering row 18 right behind my seat? My ex, too funny! Do i know my own Karma or what, good thing we still like each other and are friends huh?

In normal form Abby and i were all over the place. We saw Kody and Aaron at the USB booth before the show. LOL then I signed up to be Abby's designated driver. Hmm good deal since she is only 19 huh? We got a free soda and popcorn out of the deal!

The show, as with the two before was simply amazing, I mean how can it not be!

Mute math was phenomenal as usual! However this time when the drummer stood on the bass drum on top of the keyboard the whole thing just kinda toppled. the drum went one way and he went the other. LOL it was great! I am such a fan now!

Alaniss was amazing. I am getting used to her constant movement on stage. Did I mention she has a kick ass clear guitar!

Finally the boys take the stage. What can I say show three was just as good as show 1 and 2! I think they get better with each and every show. Although the seats sucked, it Matchbox and nothing can be better.

Immediately after the show we made a beeline for the USB booth, had to show love to our favorite fan club guy, Mr. Collins.

LOL after the show Abby and I played "where's Matt" again, but in LA I know that him coming out normally doesn't happen. We hung out with some of the GDers. i saw some old friends and met some new friends. It was another amazing day.

However it was after 1am before we hit the road and the days caught up to us. We witnessed a car accident and almost got into one of our own when I fell asleep less than 10 miles from my house. Needless to say we grabbed all we could and passed the heck out!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Exiling on Mainstream....Day 4

OMG! I fucking hate snow!! Ok well I hate drivng in it.

Abby and I woke up and found out that we were going to need chains to get the hell out of Reno. So we packed and headed out on a chains trasuer hunt. You would think the Wal-mart in a city that snows would have them, but nope! However K-Mart did have them.

I have to say that for my first time actually driving in snow I did OK. It was scary as hell thats for sure, but when are driving 10 miles per hour it makes things easier. It was an amazing drive and Abby took some great pictures. Yeah I am still working on posting those.

Over all the 9 hour drive home was pretty peaceful. We went through all kinds of crazy weather! Rain, sleet, hail, snow, ice, slush, dust oh and a hell of a lot of wind!

Once we get through all that, we hit the noirmal LA traffic, it was great.

I will NEVER drive to Reno again, a flight would have been less stressful!!!

Oh well, when I got to Sandra's I had a PB&J waiting for me....lifes good!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Exiling on Mainstream.....Day 3

Well after the grueling work of do nothing on day 2 you would think day 3 would be a breeze.

I had some friends come in from Sacramento for lunch. It made me miss home, but I am glad they were able to make it. We took the quick tour of Reno, not a whole lot to see peeps! Never the less it was fun and just nice to be able to walk around.

Abby and i got back to the room about 4:30 or 5p and got dressed. I had trouble all night thinking up a poster because they guys gave me no good song titles to work with. I did however come up with something.

We played PIN tag with Matt, but finally once we were outside the venue we arranged to meet by the busses. OMG! Reno is simply freezing! WTF! I have not been that cold in only the heavens know! GEEZ!!! Anyhow we got a few minutes, but he was cold and we were cold and he and Jeff had a few things to work on. (more on that later).

Finally the band list comes down, cause of course it wasn't there earlier. Took a few minutes, but our front row VH-1 tickets were in hand! Off to the front row we went! Our security guard Mike was awesome. He made sure we were taken care of during the show. He found a place to keep all of our stuff so we could enjoy the show and really was an amazing guy.

First up Mute Math. I tell you these guys are just amazing! I mean the lead singer has an amazing voice and there whole show is simply amazing to watch! Of course it was even more amazing from the front row! I will get some pics up soon.

Next up was Alanis. I have to say that her stage show is crazy! How she does not fall down and pass out everynight i have no clue. She is all over the stage. She really gets into her performanace and the crowd goes nuts!

Then the guys are up. Even sick Rob sings so that you would never know it. I know that weather had to be doing a number on him, but yoyu would have never been able to tell. I had one sign that said Matt Beck twenty Est. 2003 that went over really well. All the guys smiled and it got a nice thumbs up from Rob.

The guys were playful and full of banter on stage. It is such a thrill to see them just doing what they love to do! At a point during the set Matt left the stage and Jeff took his spot. So of course Abby and I were like WTF? Jeff did a great job, but still why was Matt side stage. Eventually after 4 sogns Matt came back on stage.

We finally found out during the intro what was going on. Rob intro'd Matt and said he would be leaving them soon, to have a BABY! Matt is gonna be a daddy! I am so excited for him. Rob held up a huge picture of the sonogram and everything. It was so cute! He explained that when Jeff took the stage the gilr in the fron row with the sign had an "Oh Shit" look on her face, LOL that would be me!

The show was amazing, the guys just keep getting better and better. The show ended with Ryan bringing me a drumstick and Paul tossing me a pic. I was even ofered $200 for Ryan's drumstick, but I of course declined.

We got to hang out with Chris for a while and stayed inside for as long as we could. We discussed how we were going to get the hell out of Reno since the roads were closing and we needed chains. Everyone had a different route picked out.

We finally we out to the busses after saying our good byes and Matt came out about 20 mins later. I playfully hit him for not knowing about the baby. Such a doll he said they were keeping it quiet and he had no clue Rob was going to do that. Yet he is really happy, but will not be at the overseas dates. On the positive side, the CD will be getting finished!!!

We said our good byes, cause it was freezing! Not a bad way to spend a night.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Exiling on Mainstream.....Day 2

So Abby and i woke up around noon on Thursday. I blogged.

We left the hotel for about 30 minutes to walk to Walgreens. It's really cold!

Sat on asses.

Left to go eat.

Sleep by midnight. That was Day 2.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Exiling on Mainstream....Day 1

So, Abby and I are sitting here in out Reno hotel after one HELL of a trip.

We woke up at 3:45am on Wed morning. We were on our way by 4:30p. Abby took the first few hours until the sites change and I tried to take pics. LOL it was 6:30a, I was really bad at it. Everything looked liked blobs of light. So Abby and I switched spots and headed to San Luis Obispo. I had to meet on of my customers, and since I was on the way past there, what better time then then. The whole visit lasted about an hour and off we went.

We were so ahead of schedule we were taking our time. I talked to my boss and he said we should see Hearst Castle. I mean why not right, we were there. So we head up to the castle and look around, but we just missed the tour and the next one didn't start for about 40 mins. We figures if it started at 1:20 and lasted and hour and 45 mins we would never get to San Jose by 4p. So we headed off.

Now here are the things that should have clued us in to the upcoming events. While driving to the castle there were not many cars, let alone gas stations. We were really close to the pacific ocean. I live in San Diego county and I don't drive that close to the water on a daily basis. Oh and we were on highway 1. Interesting, i didn't know the highway went all the way to up, oh well GPS says it does so what the hell.

So we started with about half a tank of gas. Our little Elantra is getting amazing gas mileage! GPS say we have like 106 miles to go before the next highway. So as we are driving and enjoying the amazing view we are taking out time. I mean the ocean is on one side and the mountains on the other.....breathtaking!

That is until we turn the f-ing corner and realized we were about to become part of that breathtaking view! The flipping road turns into a two lane highway that hugs the mountains on one side and oh the couple of thousand feet drop into the ocean below!!! Seriously 80% of this drive has no guardrail and about 95% is nothing but curves! I drove about 5-15 mph out of sheer terror of dieing!!! I will have to post some of Abby's pictures cause all I did was drive.

Right about the time all 4 phones lost cell coverage, completely, gas started to become an issue. I mean no one puts a gas station on the side of a cliff, right? So we are less than a half a quarter of a tank of gas at this point and besides the fear of dieing the fear of running out of gas and not being able to call for help came into play.

After driving for was seemed like forever we went inland a little and there was a two pump gas station. Thank God....NOT! Gas was $4.69 a gallon! Literal highway robbery, but they were the only station for miles as far as we knew. So I put in $10 to get us moving. Back to what looks like a drive that will never end and a twisting, winding road with a death drop that will never end!

At one point, while doing about 25 miles per hour we turn a curve and there is a cop sitting there. No biggie we aren't speeding or anything. Actually the bastard was tale gating me as i drove 15-20 mph. At least 10 minutes later he finally pulls me over. Um yeah WTF! I know i am not speeding, hello i was holding up traffic. So I figured that I was driving too slow.

Not even close, I got pulled over a. because the cop was bored and b. because I was WEARING my seat belt improperly. How many times have you put your shoulder belt under you arm versus over it? Dozen at least huh? Yeah well its a $100 plus ticket! Yup I got a seat belt ticket while wearing my seat belt. Needless to say I was pretty pissed!!!

Anyhow two lifetimes later and an additional overpriced gas stop later, we get cell service and are heading back on the road. Yet off the killer road from hell!

We finally get to San Jose just before 5p. Remember we left at 4:30a for what should have taken about 7 hours.

So what were my show goals? To see Matt and Ryan. To find Chris from All Access and to have a kick ass time! All goals accomplished!

Ryan is still getting used to me, I'm working on that. he is coming around to this fan club thing though, I hope.

Abby and I had two different views of who Chris was. So when I saw Chris we disagreed, because she thought Chris was someone else. So after running around the venue like a nut the concert finally started. Pure amazement!

This was my first show, not a pre tour show and I was floored. The guys were in magnificent form last night. They were playful on stage with each other and were just hitting everything last night. It was the most show. I loved it!!

Highlight, during Bright Lights when the guys break in "she came in thru the bathroom window" it was Paul's turn to sing, but he was back at the piano with Rob. LMAO he stopped the show. They get to him, the spotlight hits where is supposed to be, but he is just standing back. Showstopper and he just kinda strolls to the mic. OMG! you have to love Paul!!!

However at some point during the show I somehow hit my finger against the chair in from of my and snapped my nail. So quick thinking Abby I enjoyed the rest of the with a wetnap and a rubber band around my fingers to numb the pain. LOL I still had an amazing time, while in pain! More to follow on the finger, I think its broke :-(

So after the amazing show I finally went over to Chris and asked do you remember me? he said I sure do from Kimmel. He said I told you where you could find me. LOL, I told him he was still my favorite! If you haven't read about the trouble I caused at Kimmel its in my October blogs. So we talked to him for a little while.

We got to say hello to Jason for a a few minutes, then we were off to find Matt.

He came out about 30 minutes after i let him know we were there and we got to talk and catch up. We got a progress report on the CD (info to follow later) and just hung out. I reminded him about our front tickets for Reno and he asked if would have any signage, which of course we will. So he is excited to see what we have in store. I always love getting to just chat with Matt. yet being the true gentleman he is and knowing we were freezing, he cut it short with a promise to catch up in Reno.

After walking away Abby reminded me about the venue shot, LOL I forgot...again! So we took pics and headed to Reno.

Abby started driving while I was sleeping, but the weather and the road quickly changed. So Abby pulled over and I proceeded to take one of the worst drives of my life. The state really should invest some money in highway 80 cause it SUCKS! We went from Rain to snow to sleet to ice. I was so tense, but after a few stressful times Abby and I made it out the other side.

We got to the hotel about 6a and were able to check in.

So now at 2:30p we are sitting in our hotel waiting for today's adventure to begin!

So two scary car rides, a seatbelt ticket and a possible broken finger later, the trip continues!

More to come.....

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Long Time no Blog!

It's been a while! I figured since I was about to hit the road its time to get the blog going. I'll be blogging from the road with Abby so stay tuned!

Nothing new really. Still trying to find my nitch at work. I reconnected with someone who was once very important in my life, I am happy to have him back.

Abby arrives in a few hours. It's gonna be a tightly budgeted trip, but we will have fun. We are leaving about 430 in the morning on Wednesday for San Jose. Then it's off to Reno where I get to see some friends from Lafayette. From Reno we head back to LA and then its off to Vegas.

A busy workaction, cause I will still be tied to my work laptop and computer. Oh Well!

OK off i go, I need to start packing!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Abby & I are going to see Matchbox Twenty in Reno, FRONT ROW!!!

I won the VH1 contest, how awesome is that!

Woohoo, off to Reno we go :-)

Monday, January 21, 2008


As I get older, its rough trying to stay 25 forever, I try to think more maturely.

So I thought I would try to fix some wrongs of the past. As much as I am people phobic I am always surprised at people's attitude. When you expect the worse you sometimes get the best.

It's funny you know, I made a point of staying away from the toxic person. I never said what I knew to be true and I never showed anyone the proof I have (in her own writing) of what was said to another.

People are really good liars!

Even now knowing this person is still out there living the lie I have kept quiet. Hmm, I wonder what they would say if they knew what I had, what I was able to read before everything got weird. Proof that friendships ended because of ADVISE she gave to another.

Maybe as she grows, maturity will come into play.

OH well life goes on.

LOL this will seriously only mean something to a handful of people, balls in your court!

New People

This one is for my Best Friend, on this coast...

Seriously? New People, you know I never like new people. They don't understand us.

I love you though and will be, well me. Seriously.

Lost Friends

So after months of looking, yes I was looking, I finally got in contact with my ex.

You know except for a few issues, one really big, he really was one of the great loves of my life. We spent a few years together as a couple and a few more as friends.

I am happy to know that he is happy and well. Amazing how you grow in over 6 years of absence.

I'm glad to have found a lost friend, it will be nice to see him again. Eventually :-)

Wow its been a while!

So where have I been, LOL do you care?

I was spending some quality time with my Alyssa before she went back home with my daugter and my parents to LA. I miss her, she made the days easier.

We have un-baby-proofed the house, that really sucks!