Ok so for those of you who have been with me a while, you know I am not a huge Yahoo! fan because of all the problems we had with Matt's chats.
Anyhow I was recently able to take my youngest daughter to see matchbox perform for the Nissan Live Sets which will air on Yahoo!
Upon arrival we were going to the end of the line and got really lucky that the second bus driver was letting anyone get on the bus. So instead of ending up on one of the last buses we were on bus two. Sorry folks!
We got in and after we did the security ID check, who is coming our way? The amazing Matt Beck! Now Alexandria, Alex for short, is a huge Matt Beck fan. Matt is her Paul! Is that not cute. So as you see in my Houston blog the kid gets totally star struck. He gave her a hug and I thought she might pass out!
Anyhow he was on his way to eat, but said he would be back. About 20-30 minutes later he came and talked to us. We talked about his CD of course! We are so getting closer, I can not wait. Alex, again quiet not saying a word!
I talked to some people around us. The father and son in fron of us were great. He brought his son from Birmingham, AL to see the guys. WOW!
I talked to some GDer's, Hi everyone. Alex talked to my ex-business partner, afterall we aren't friends but the kids aren't part of that, so I let her go talk to her.
I got to see Dawn and Mel! Ah I so love you two!
We were right by the Simpson soundstage, pretty cool. They finally took us on this crazy hike up to the soundstage entrance. It was really small so we were able to get in the 2nd row.
The guys played 7 songs I believe. After each two they did a Q&A thing. OMG! they are so funny. I guess it was Kyle's idea for them all to wear jackets. LOL Paul made a comment about it, but said he was commited to the jacket, he wore it all night. I loved the story Paul told us about the apartment he bought in Atlanta and never lived in!
Matt saw me during the show, which is always so great to get a smile from the stage!
The best for me was after the show. This was Alex's forst MB20 show, I know I suck as a parent! Anyhow Rob and Paul started signing autographs, Paul walked by my area and waived.. AHH!
I had brought one of my posters I got in the bundle pack, so i gave it to my daughter and off she went. LMAO! Dawn, Mel and I watched as she ran making sure she was able to get my, now her, poster signed. I think she was jazzed when she told Paul she was my daughter and he knew who I was. Why don't kids ever believe their parents.
From this point on she was a lunatic! She was freaking out as they were ushering us out, because she didn't get anyone elses autograph. As luck would have it when we were walking out the band was just chilling outside. My daughter not understandig security etiquette made a mad dash for Matt. LOL that was so no recieved well by security. Lucky for us we were allowed to stay. At this point the kids head was spinning! She couldn't get a pin to have the guys sign and she was freaking out. A security guard gave me one, but it wasn't a sharpie. Dave actually ended up getting her one cause she was freaking out.
Ryan MacMillan, such a sweetheart. I talked to him for a moment or two and he is so on board with the fan stuff! I can't wait till he sees what we come up with.
Anyhow long story short she got Matt and Ryan to also sign the poster. Why she freaked over Matt, Dawn, Mel and I got to talk to Paul. WOW! each time I talk to him I walk away with more admiration from the last time.
That's all I can say about our time there, but they are all amazing. I am so blessed to be able to do what I do and that they all support it.
We left on an absolute HIGH, all of us. Took forever to calm the kid down and she is still on a cloud higher than 9!
Stayed tuned, we are chatting with Matt on saturday!
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