Friday, October 05, 2007

My Birthday Weekend, Take 1

WOW! So Yesterday was the 7th anniversary of my 25th Birthday. What better way to spend it? With Matchbox Twenty!!!

Background: Tatiana has to have surgery next month so i was cancelling all my plans for this weekend cause i needed to use my birthday vacation day for the trip. My mom is filling in for me so all i have to do is make it for the pre-op, being I got to keep my birthday off.

Oct 4th....

I woke up at 1am; got dressed; hit 7-11 for some coffee and at 2am i was on the road. The trip up the 5 was pretty uneventful, sorta. At the 91 the whole damn freeway was closed and the detour signs SUCKED!!! However 15 minutes of being lost and i was again on my way. Just about 3:35am or so i arrived at the Burbank studios!

However I must be in some sort of twilight zone as I see not one other person trying to get tickets in in line. I also see they got rid of all the public parking, bastards! Anyhow, after about 15 minutes I find a side street with non of those annoying "No parking from 3am-5am", WTH!

So I walk over to the studio and sit down. I'm talking to Abby pretty much freaking out that i am there by myself when the lovely Damn and Stacy appear out of the darkness! yeah I'm not alone.

So the three of us are set up and the sprinklers come on across the way and I say, I hope there aren't any sprinklers here....about 20 minutes later we were the faster moving people at about 4:30 am in the world!

The morning was pretty uneventful, accept we were the only people there! We walked over to where you get tickets about 7 am, and no one. Just the three of us haning out. So we tried to go to sleep.

Are You homeless??? The funniest question ever asked!!! Picture this... Dawn chillin in her lawn chair under a blanket, Stacy laying down under her blanket and me laying down under my jackets. Maybe cause we were the only three people there, but a lady at the bus stop walked over and asked "Are you homeless?". So we looked at her like "Are you Crazy?", and she ashed again "Are you Homeless?". LMAO we said no and she walked away.

Now I have nothing against homeless people, something in their life made them that way and I'm no judge. However, I don't remember the last time I saw a homeless person with Blackberry phones, walkmans and chillin on their own lawn chair, but I'm just saying.

So finally about 11 am we meet Glozell. Glozell has been at ever Jay Leno show since last July!! This was her 264 th show, amazing. jay is her full time job. She blogged about us, you should check it out

Pretty much the line was the line if you have ever been there, but I do have this one question. if you were going to see, say the Jay Leno show, and there is this HUGE line, would you automatically think that the HUGE sign that said "The Jay Leno Show" is the end of the line?? Cause the dumb people in CA do. One line going around the building, everyone facing in the direction of the line, but I can't tell you how many people tried to stand in front of us, like "Oh this isn't the end?", are you SERIOUS???

Moving on, because it was my birthday my new friend Mel went and got me this blinking crown she had in her car. So I not only stood in line, but attended the Jay Leno Show and watched the Jay Leno show with a Crown Blinking on my head the whole time! great times :-)

Fast forward to inside the show. Can you say H-E-A-T??? Good thing you can cause Jay Leno can't. That place is a million degrees below zero!!! I was freezing my ASS of. Hands went numb, do i still have feet? If you are ever in attendance for Jay Leno, bring a snow suit!!!

Moving on....the guys enter the stage! OMG how I have missed them. We had an amazing few. there were a handful of us standing up, so guys were the Matchbox Section was? They put on the most energetic and amazing show. They were all in sync, together it just could have been any better! OMG! I hope you got to see it, but the camera's so did not do the live show justice. WOW!

After the performance and all the Leno promo stuff, the guy in the row above me called Rob over. He was signing some stuff for people. I saw Paul and waved...AND HE WAVED BACK!!! I LOVE PAUL!!! Anyhow me being me I said "ROB", Rob look up and I say "Can you tell Matt i said Hi?" LMAO, he looks smiles and says yes. Such a nice guy :-)

Anyhow Leno is over, me and the girls get some dinner and I only almost died a few times going home. never drive the highway in two lanes when you are really tired.....BAD BAD BAD! However I made it home 21 hours after I woke up.....Amazing!

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