Sunday, April 15, 2007

Bittersweet goodbyes

I spent the evening with three of my friends tonight. My best friend Steve, his amazing girlfriend Bridget and the ever amazing Patrick. We went to see Blades of Glory. Seriously who was on crack when they wrote that!!!
After the movies we went to Ihop for our normal Saturday night routine. There Jamie joined us. In my world of friends he really is in my top three. No one can make you laugh like Jamie!

Anyhow as we were sitting there it hit me that I won't be with them much longer. I have spent the better part of two years with these people and soon I'll be gone. WOW! It took everything in me not to cry.

This is going to be such a hard week for me. They are so not going to make it easy. When they read this, which will be after I am gone, just know that I love you guys. I couldn't have gotten through the last 2 years without you.

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