Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Abby & I are going to see Matchbox Twenty in Reno, FRONT ROW!!!

I won the VH1 contest, how awesome is that!

Woohoo, off to Reno we go :-)

Monday, January 21, 2008


As I get older, its rough trying to stay 25 forever, I try to think more maturely.

So I thought I would try to fix some wrongs of the past. As much as I am people phobic I am always surprised at people's attitude. When you expect the worse you sometimes get the best.

It's funny you know, I made a point of staying away from the toxic person. I never said what I knew to be true and I never showed anyone the proof I have (in her own writing) of what was said to another.

People are really good liars!

Even now knowing this person is still out there living the lie I have kept quiet. Hmm, I wonder what they would say if they knew what I had, what I was able to read before everything got weird. Proof that friendships ended because of ADVISE she gave to another.

Maybe as she grows, maturity will come into play.

OH well life goes on.

LOL this will seriously only mean something to a handful of people, balls in your court!

New People

This one is for my Best Friend, on this coast...

Seriously? New People, you know I never like new people. They don't understand us.

I love you though and will be, well me. Seriously.

Lost Friends

So after months of looking, yes I was looking, I finally got in contact with my ex.

You know except for a few issues, one really big, he really was one of the great loves of my life. We spent a few years together as a couple and a few more as friends.

I am happy to know that he is happy and well. Amazing how you grow in over 6 years of absence.

I'm glad to have found a lost friend, it will be nice to see him again. Eventually :-)

Wow its been a while!

So where have I been, LOL do you care?

I was spending some quality time with my Alyssa before she went back home with my daugter and my parents to LA. I miss her, she made the days easier.

We have un-baby-proofed the house, that really sucks!